What is your name? Kim McDougal
What is your Twitter name? ORMGrecipes
What is your blog/website name? Ordinary Recipes Made Gourmet
What is your blog/website about?
I dedicated my blog to my mom who didn't like to cook. I grew up watching her and I picked up the trait and then became the cook at 12 years old. I remember the first meal I cooked was spaghetti and meatballs! She was more than afraid to taste it but she did and then she told me mine was better than hers! I thought she was lying to make me feel good until I saw her go for seconds which she hardly ever did! I knew then I had found something I would love all my life.
My goal is to take the everyday ingredients, my mom always kept in her pantry and what I keep in mine, and show others how these can make great looking and great tasty meals. You don't have to spend a lot of money or time to have good and healthy dishes and if I can help anyone learn to cook or enjoy cooking for themselves more, than my blog will definitely be worth all the work I put into it!
Why did you join Twitter?
Actually this is a twofold answer, believe or not I am shy when meeting new people! I grew up kind of isolated and so talking to people took years for me to get comfortable with. As I have gotten older, it has become increasingly easier, but I still have to challenge myself to come out of my comfort zone at times. Twitter is a great way for me to do just that. I get to meet people, but I'm comfortable because I'm in my home office doing it. My second reason is to share my cooking blog! I love to share my recipes and also pick up new ones.
How are you using Twitter?
I probably started answering this in the previous question! haa haaa But my long-term goal is hopefully to turn my blog into a full-time career and I use Twitter to update my followers on new posts, new books I'm writing to build readership. I use other social networking sites for this purpose too, but Twitter is my favorite. I also like to keep up with the latest technology and how I can improve my website, so not everyone I follow is a foodie. Some followers I have we just talk about how our day is going which is so nice cause it makes me not feel alone.
I know some people may not know how to get anything out of Twitter, and I admit I wasn't sure either when I first joined. But, I stuck with it and for the first month, I watched and read the conversations other people were having. If I saw a topic that I knew something about, I would interject by sharing how that experience affected me and soon I got replies back. After that, I would make a point of saying hello to those same people who I had conversated with and from that I had a little community! We began to share how-to's with each other ranging from how to find people to follow on Twitter to web design problems. A lot of my friends on Twitter inspire me to keep blogging and I find I can't go a day without twittering!! ;) I know that if I had quit Twitter too soon, I would have missed out on a lot of great information and precious friendships.
Anything else you would like to share?
Thank you Wendy for interviewing me. I enjoyed this interview and I hope my answers will encourage others to use Twitter or use it more. It's a great resource and I highly recommend it.
If you would like to be interviewed for Twitter Tweet Win?
Just send me an email. My name is Wendy and my email address is thecomputerlady@snet.net. The interview is free and it will help you get FREE traffic to your website, blog, or Twitter page. You will also gain new followers.
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