What is a Twitter SiteWarming party? Amy from ResourcefulMommy.com tells us how she came up with the idea for SiteWarming Twitter Parties and how she uses Twitter to run them.
Where did you come up with the idea for SiteWarming Parties?
When I finally had my own blog set up the way I wanted and ready for an event to promote it, it was already two and a half months old. I didn’t think that a blog launch made much sense at that point, so I called it a SiteWarming party instead. I was amazed at how quickly potential panelists and product vendors became interested in the idea, and that very first party trended at #1 all night on Twitter!
Do you have a website or blog for SiteWarming Parties?
I’ve been writing about the parties – the site info, panelist info, contest info – on my blog, ResourcefulMommy.com, but I just created a new site, SiteWarmingParties.com to focus just on the parties themselves.
How can a business sign up to have a SiteWarming Party?
Businesses interested in party results or requesting more information about having a party of their own should go to SiteWarmingParties.com or e-mail me at amy@resourcefulmommy.com
Where do you find your clients?
So far the clients have come to me after attending parties I have held for other sites. A lot of buzz is generated in the days before and after the party as well as during the parties, so it’s been exciting for other businesses to see the potential for their own sites!
Where do you find your experts?
I sometimes ask people directly to join the panel based on the topic of the party discussion, but I’ve also included folks from Twitter who would simply like the opportunity to participate and get the exposure connected to the parties. It’s really a win-win situation and an awful lot of fun. J
How many prizes are given away during a SiteWarming Party?
The first SiteWarming Party was a little bit over the top – I gave away over $2,000 in free stuff. Now I try to have between 10 and 15 prizes to give away at each party, including the door prizes. Winners must enter to win the Goody Bag prizes, but anyone following the hashtag of the night can win the door prizes. I’ve even begun saving one or two until the “after party” for those West Coasters who are busy with dinner and bedtime rituals during the main party.
When are SiteWarming Parties and how do we find out about them?
For more information www.resourcefulmommy.com and www.sitewarmingparties.com
Follow Amy on Twitter.
If you would like to be interviewed for Twitter! Tweet! Win! Just send me an email. My name is Wendy and my email address is thecomputerlady@snet.net. The interview is free.
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